Smart Materials_Wall_Brick_Plaster_Cement_Pack01
Blender Smart Materials_wall_Pack01
This pack allows you to apply multi-layered materials to your objects. It's designed to be used for large environment assets like walls. you can use either default masks or vertex/texture painting. using vertex paint makes it faster.
- 6 Wall Smart Materials.
- 10 PBR Materials.(base color,ao,,normal,roughness,height)
- Support Cycles and Eevee.
- No add-ons.
- UV required.
- blender 3.6 and the latest versions.
- high-res and high-detail textures in “tga” format.
- 4K-2K resolution.
- Clean and simple shader setup.
- Customizable.
- Guide pages for beginners.
UPDATE 01 6/13/2023:
- One new smart material and 6 new PBR materials.
- Improvement in the shader setup.
UPDATE 02 11/27/2023:
- Parameters function improvement.
- Added default masks. (you now have the option to either perform "vertex painting" or use the default mask.)
If you have any questions feel free to ask, and please don't miss rating or review it's a huge motivation for me!
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