Blender Addon: Make Dnd Dice

by David Knief in Addons

This Blender addon will have you making dice ready for 3D printing in mare minutes!

The features of this addon are:
Make numbers: This will create the numbers in text form,
Font: Here you can choose whatever font you wanna use. Already installed fonts can be found at C:\Windows\Fonts,
Change font: This applies the font to the numbers, if you don't like how it looks just choose another font and try again.
Center Numbers: Centers the numbers as well as moves the underscore to the correct position.
Convert font to mesh: Changes the text objects to meshes.
Make all dice: One click for creating all 7 standard DND dice.
There are also individual buttons for creating each die.

No need to do any rotations or booleans manually. Everything is made simple for you with this addon.

To install the addon simply go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install
Locate the "" and Install it, then check the checkbox and you're good to go!

The addon can then be found among the panels to the right of the screen. Pressing "N" will open them. The panel is called Make Dice and should be the last panel in the list.

If you want to use a custom critical roll number, say a skull instead of a 20, then you can rename the 20 to anything else and rename the mesh of said skull to 20 and use the individual buttons to create the d20.

If there are any problems with the addon then go ahead and contact me on my Blendermarket profile.


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Sales 100+
3 ratings
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93
License GPL