Blend File Presets

by OffTheClock Studios in Addons

Blend File Presets - Add-on Documentation


Blend File Presets is a Blender add-on developed by Off the Clock Studios. This tool helps users manage and organize .blend file presets with specific configurations and settings, ideal for users who frequently switch between setups. These setups can include add-on configurations, themes, or project checkpoints, allowing users to quickly return to previously saved states.

Key Features

  • Preset Management: Load and save .blend files with associated user preferences.
  • Custom Directory Setup: Organize presets in user-defined folders within a root directory.
  • Intuitive UI for Loading and Saving: Simple menus to manage preset configurations.
  • Icon Customization: Assign unique icons to folders and files for easy organization.


  1. Download the Add-on: Obtain the add-on .zip file from your provider.
  2. Install in Blender:
    • Go to Edit > Preferences > Get Extensions.
    • Click the dropdown arrow in the top-right and select Install from Disk.
    • Choose the downloaded .zip file and enable the add-on in the list.

User Guide

Setting Up Preset Directory

  1. In the main header bar, click Presets.
  2. Use Preset Management Setup to designate your primary preset directory, known as the “Root.”
  3. Organize Subfolders: Create subfolders within the root for different preset types or projects.

Suggested Structure:

Root Directory (Preset Directory) │ ├── Hard Surface Modeling │ ├── Hard Surface Modeling Setup_1.blend │ ├── Hard Surface Modeling Setup_2.blend │ ├── Animation │ ├── Character Rig Starting Point.blend │ ├── Vehicle Rig Starting Point.blend


  • When saving: All folders are visible for selection.
  • When loading: Only folders containing .blend files are shown, reducing unnecessary searches through empty folders.

User Interface Settings

Customize the add-on interface to streamline prompts and reduce UI clutter:

  • Skip Unsaved File Warning: Disables prompts to save unsaved changes before loading a preset.
  • Auto Fallback Without Preferences: Automatically loads presets without a .prefs file if not found. If disabled, a prompt will ask for confirmation.
  • Use Default for Save Mode: Enables the default save option without user input.
  • Use Default for Load Mode: Enables the default load option without user input.
  • Restoration Option: Enables the restoring of the startup file after saving and loading presets. Utilize the Update Backup Startup File operator to create the backup file that will be used to restore the startup file.

Default Save and Load Fields:

Setting defaults for save/load displays only the primary Load Preset option, simplifying the UI for workflows that consistently use a single saving/loading mode.

Loading a Preset


  1. Preset (Full Preset): Loads both the .blend file and associated .prefs file (if available).
    • Go to Presets > Load Preset.
    • Select a folder.
    • Choose the .blend file name.
  2. Blend File Only: Loads only the .blend file without preferences.
    • Go to Presets > Load Blend File.
    • Select a folder.
    • Choose the .blend file name.
  3. Preferences Only: Loads only the .prefs file associated with a .blend file.
    • Go to Presets > Load Preferences.
    • Select a folder.
    • Choose the .blend file name.

Managing Missing Preferences

  • If a .prefs file is not found during a Full Preset load, a prompt will appear asking if you want to continue without it. Enabling Auto Fallback Without Preferences in the settings bypasses this prompt.

Loading Preferences without a .prefs File

  • If a .prefs file is missing during a Preferences Only load, the add-on will return to the file selection menu to try another file.

Saving a Preset

Steps to Save

  1. Go to Presets > Save Preset.
  2. Choose or Create a Folder: Select an existing folder or create a new one. Newly created folders are auto-selected for the next step.
  3. Enter a Name: Type a name for the new preset.
  4. Confirm Overwrite if Necessary: Confirm if you want to overwrite an existing file.
  5. Complete the Save.

Saving a Blend File Only

  • Go to Presets > Save Blend File to save only the .blend file without preferences. This is ideal for users who don’t need to save preferences but want to organize .blend files.

New Restoration Option for Startup File

How it Works

  • The startup file is temporarily overwritten when a preset is loaded.
  • After the preset is loaded, the backup startup file is automatically restored.
  • Your saved preferences remain active as with Blender's default behavior.

How to Use

  1. Go to the settings menu and click Update Backup Startup File. This backs up the current startup file.
  2. When loading a preset, the addon temporarily overwrites the startup file and then restores the backup.

Note: The backup update process is manual, giving users control over when to update it.

Switching Directories (Advanced Uses)

  • Click Set Preset Directory in the settings to open the file browser. This allows you to navigate between different preset directories within your main folder structure.

Issues That May Occur

  • Login-Required Add-ons: You may need to log in again if a preset includes an add-on requiring authentication.
  • Add-ons Not Found: Warnings about missing add-ons can appear if certain add-ons aren’t active in the current configuration.

Final Notes

This documentation outlines the essential steps for using the Blend File Presets add-on. For additional support, feel free to reach out. We’re here to help!


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Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL