
by norgeotloic in Addons

You can download BakeMyScan for free at, but 100% of my earnings through this product sells are donated to the Blender Development Fund: Given the commission rate, that's 13.30$, which is a great sign of support for BakeMyScan, and a generous contribution to the ones who put on the real work.

BakeMyScan is an Open Source toolbox for asset optimization, useful for 3D scans post processing, online publishing, game assets creation, sculpting, low-poly art, 3D printing, WebGL/VR/AR...

Major Features

  • 4 interfaces with Open Source remeshing software: Instant Meshes, Quadriflow, Meshlab and MMGtools
  • 3 homemade remeshing/retopology methods (quick quadrilaterals and naive or iterative decimation)
  • Easy PBR setup to import textures and mix materials
  • Lightning-fast texture baking between high-res and remeshed models (supports PBR)
  • Python scripts to batch-process models from the command line

Minor Features

  • Unified import to forget about file formats
  • Common pre-processing steps in one UI
  • Symmetry and Mesh Relaxation made easy
  • Export axis aligned orthographic views
  • Export a model and all its textures at once
  • Local HDRI preview (experimental)

Possible Roadmap

  • First: create a roadmap, fix bugs, better UI, create tutorials, videos, and the website!
  • Interface other opensource command-line software (mainly for remeshing and photogrammetry: OpenMVS, Colmap, OpenMVG, Manifold...)
  • Support for Eevee, Blender 2.8, and .gltf format
  • Thumbnails from easy local PBR materials browsing
  • Direct preview of HDRIs from
  • Browse DIY online libraries of lowpoly assets through a blend4web application
  • In a few weeks/months: Allow features requests, and external contributions
  • Reasonable suggestions?

Please, keep in mind that this addon, while very powerful, is the result of a lot of non-dedicated-to-publishing experiments, and I think (know?) that I'll take it very far soon! I published it in as an early version, and it is shipped with my poor handling of communication, an unorganized website, a flagrant lack of videos and tutorials... All of that I am working on!

If you haven't already, just try it, and I think that you will definitely forgive all of that!

All the information about BakeMyScan and the related project I have around it is (or at least soon will be) available on You can also follow me on Twitter or on Sketchfab to get notified of my future progress!


PS: all the models shown in the pictures are available to download for free on my Sketchfab account, and are often re-uses of CC-attribution scans made available to the public by other hobbyists. Thanks to them for making them available!


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Sales 20+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 6 years ago
Software Version 2.79
License GPL