Aymulticharacter Male
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What is AYMultiCharacter Male?
AYMultiCharacter Male is a character-generating blender kit; that allows users to generate endless 3d animation-ready Male characters with a single click.
Get real-time updates as you dynamically tweak and change the character’s face, eyes size and placement, height, weight, nose shape, ear shape, lips shape and placement, eyes color, skin color, age, etc.
Product Variation
The character body change is the same for all variations, the only difference is the total number of base meshes, outfits, and props.
Update Library
AYMale is not limited to what it’s shipped with. Irrespective of the variation, you can easily grow and customize your library by adding more outfits, eyebrows, lashes, teeth, etc. The update feature makes it possible to remove or add meshes to the kit.
The randomization option will randomize most slider values to get a unique character every time. You can randomize all character’s features, face only, character physique, character color (which includes skin, hair, facial hair, and eyes), outfit only, outfit pattern, outfit bump, and outfit color. The randomized character can further be tweaked using the Character’s and Outfit’s Panels.
Procedural Textures
AYMultiCharacter Male uses only procedural textures for patterns and bumps. Textures can be randomized, scaled, rotated, and moved to get an unlimited unique look every time.
Fully Rigged
AYMultiCharacter Male is already rigged with Rigify; a powerful rigging system in Blender. You have nothing to worry about; generate your character and start animating.
Export Visible
With AYMultiCharacter kit, you can export as ".blender" and ".obj".
Export visible object to ".blender" is responsible for excluding hidden files and saving the visible meshes as a new blender file with the rig. You still have the functionality to further customize your character in the new blender scene.
Export visible object to ".obj" exports only visible generated character meshes to wavefront file format. This can be used in other software like Mixamo, Autodesk Maya, Unity, Unreal, Cinema 4d, and even back to Blender. This format doesn’t export with the rig or textures. Check out this video on “How To Bake Textures in Blender”.
AYMultiCharacter Male does not need any installation. Buy, Download, Extract, and start generating your characters.
You have to adjust some outfits for penetration and protrusion. For instance "Neckwear" can be awkwardly placed on a "Top" if a "Jacket" is not visible.
You might have some weight paint issues, especially if the character is extremely big or small. Please report any issue you come across, and it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Please leave a review! If you have ideas on how to make this kit better, or any other feedback, email info@levonotion.com.
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