Attraktor - Geonode Attractor Systems
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Unleashing Chaos
Attraktor brings the power of chaotic systems into Blender Geometry Nodes!
Simulate the elegantly planned order of events or get lost in beauty of periodic randomness - You do you!
Spark your scenes with curiosity
How many times do you find yourself in situations where you need to highlight a subject in your scene or add that 'something' to make it finally pop? Often it is not enough to just play with lights and the background. It is useful to have a second point of interest in your scene. Something engaging, but balanced enough not to take away from your main subject. It'd be best if it also wasn't a static asset but rather one that you could tune so it'd work just right for your scene.
Attraktor works great as a way of adding points of interest to your shots. It is ideal for renders of beauty products, jewelry, other elegant wearables, perfume and enhancing abstract environments. The pleasing forms of Attraktor will adapt to any space to make it full and captivating.
Chaos & Order
There's always some optimal amount of each needed to reach the so much desired equilibrium in your projects. Attraktor gives you the tools to play with chaos & order in new ways to create spectacular shapes.
What's included
For details on variant specified features check the "Documentation" tab.
95 Recreated systems which give a solid foundation for creative exploration using simulation, input modulation, mixing, geometry processing and much more.
All attractors are available as 2 types of assets:
- Geometry Node version for simulation
- Curve object (with modifiers or without modifiers) for direct use. This type is static, but the attractor growth animation can be imitated using the "Curve trim" modifier node.
Simulation Nodes
The heart of Attraktor - nodes which allow the initialization & simulation of all the attractor systems. Setups that process easily customizable equations on each frame are now possible. You can even create & simulate your own systems using these nodes with enough experience.
Modifier Nodes
Geometry nodes built for ease of use in the object "Modifier" properties.
Never get lost when searching for a specific node or object. Attraktor assets come with intuitive thumbnails so it's easy to work with.
If at any point you'd need support using Attraktor or you'd want to make sure the purchase of this product will fit your needs you're welcome to ask your questions on discord:
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