Archviz Props - Cookware Pack
The scene is organized into layers in the following manner: 1st layer hosts lights, walls and furniture 2nd layer hosts frying pans, oven pans, moka, kettle and pots 3rd and 4th bottom hosts respectively steel lids and glass lids
Each element is parented to an empty driver, including both lids (where present). Moving an empty will move all of the corrisponding objects of the model; however, should for any reason an object be moved away (for example a handle is disconnected from the pan), you can use the "move cursor to selected" and "selection to cursor" to restore its position as they all share the same origin to the empty
Includes materials from my product Physically-Correct Metal Materials that can be found here
Several other materials were specifically created for this product, full list in the image below
Full list of materials
Also includes a CC0 Hdri from
Full render scene with light setup included. Render setup uses a technique with "dummy planes" to enhance reflections on metal surfaces: several textured planes are put behind the camera with visibility options turned off. Textures on these planes are renderings of mine of other scenes with neutral colors and high contrast - no reusing allowed