Anti Lightning Generator

by anticode in Modifier Setups

This product expects at least a basic understanding of Blender and Geometry Nodes.

This lightning generator is designed to give you a complete and exhaustive list of options for lightning VFX. Designed to be based off of an emitter, this generator is perfect for creating super-powered characters, malfunctioning electronics, and interesting weapons! Finally, the most expansive lightning generator is here to make your life easier.

How to Use:

Append the Lightning Generator object to your scene. From there, you can edit the Lightning Generator's input panel and emit from any location you want by moving the source object! The Lightning Generator looks best on an emitter object that has its origin in the center of its mass. For complex objects, splitting your geometry into multiple objects might give you the best results and the most control.

Lightning Generator 2.0:

It's completely different. Nothing from the old lightning generator is maintained, at all. It's all be redone from the ground up to work for Simulation Nodes, providing a better result pretty much across the board. The settings for this have been streamlined, providing you the same level of customization while being much easier to understand and faster to wrap your head around. Additionally, the default settings should be much more usable now.

Update 1.3.1:

 + New Displacer Range setting.

 + Material can now be changed directly in the geometry node's options.

Update 1.3:

  + New Bolt Displacer feature. Now imported with the Lightning Generator is a Displacer sphere that the lightning will do its best to avoid. You can change the object to any object with geometry data and control how strong its influence is, or turn it off by setting Displacer Enabled to 0.

 + Made it easier to change the default Lightning material imported with the lightning generator, with emission strength and lightning color options exposed in the geometry node inputs!

 + Updated default scene to show the Bolt Displacer in action.

 ~ Renamed Director Skin to Director Weakness to be more clear of the setting's purpose.

 ~ Made the default Lightning Shader easier to manipulate by adding it to the generator's material.

 ~ Moved documentation from the product page to the Documentation page.

Update 1.2:

 + New option allows you to control the granularity of the lightning bolt length.

 + Aura bolts have been completely redone. These new aura bolts should have better generation performance, give better generation quality on more complex models, and significantly more control for almost any kind of desired bolt generation. New Aura Bolts WILL NOT work on 3.2 or below!

Sales 40+
Published over 1 year ago
Blender Version 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
License Mit
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