Antique Dental Cabinet
This is a model of an antique dental cabinet, which is a piece of furniture that was used by dentists in the past to store their instruments and materials. It consists of a marble and wooden base with drawers and a glass-fronted upper section with shelves and doors. The doors can be rotated to open or close them. The drawers can be opened in a similar manner. Antique dental cabinets are valued for their craftsmanship, history and aesthetic appeal and would look especially good in a period scene.
The model is contained in a single .blend file with all textures/images/materials packed inside. To use this model you can append it into your scene as follows:
• Go to the File Menu and pull down to Append
• Find the “dental_cabinet.blend” file and double click on it
• Double Click on the Collection Icon
• Select the “Append_Dental_Cabinet” collection and click Append
Note that the model components are all parented to a master Empty Item represented by the large labeled axis. You can move or rotate this Empty Item to adjust the location and orientation of the model. Each of the drawers can be separately opened or closed. To open a drawer, select the knob item on the desired drawer and type G and move your mouse. Constraints prevent movement or rotation in any direction other than in or out. To open a top door, select the knob item on the desired door and type R and then type Z and move your mouse. Again, constraints prevent rotation in any direction other than the Z axis.