What is this?
This addon simplifies the animation creation pipeline by having everything you need for animating in one place along with a few new Quality-of-life features.
- Timeline combined with Action editor
- Search feature for actions
- Quickly create pose assets with viewport thumbnail capture(Book Button)
- Automatic Timeline updating(Clock Button)
- Quickly delete all keyframes(X Button)
- Quick remove for actions(Trash can Button)
- Create a new blank action instead of a copy(Create Action Button)
- More visible Orphan data visualizer(Minimizes risk for data loss)
- Click a selected action to deselect it(Useful in NLA editor)
- Offset bone location for all keyframes(bone button)
- Smart Apply Scale. Applies scale correctly to animations(segment button)
Documentation for the addon
Accessed from action editor, timeline, graph editor or NLA editor from the side panel
if you find any problems with the addon or have any suggestions for improvement then feel free to contact me on my Discord channel
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