Animated Vdb Dust Surface

by Besa_Art in Models


Animated VDB Dust

Realistic Animated VDB Dust is a great door opener for scenes and fills landscapes with that little extra detail of realism. The vdb simulation is ready for render and can be used easily in your 3D scenes and environments.

Thanks to the vdb-format, you can drop one frame or the whole animation with just few clicks in Blender. The above clip sequence was rendered in cycles but you can also rendering the vdb's in Eevee.

Addon + Dust Surface Pack - 256 Frames Loopable

VDB Loops Addon is an easy-to-understand tool that gives you the possibility to use quickly the Dust Surface Sequence through the gallery and to use the advanced loop function for the loopable vdb's in blender.

The 256 frames-long dust surface sequence has a fast motion and a seamless transition. That means, you have the option to make the VDB sequence as long as you want.

VDB Dust Fade Transition

The 270 frames-long vdb dust sequence has a Fade-In and Fade-Out animation and has a large motion surface to fill the whole scene with dust. It moves from one side to other. It can be scaled up and down or can be changed in the color with the prepared principled volume shader.

VDB Dust Faster

The 402 frames-long vdb dust sequence has a longer frame range and has a faster permanent motion. It moves from one side to other. It can be scaled up and down or can be changed in the color with the prepared principled volume shader.

Dust Surface Pack - 256 Frames Loopable

The 256 frames-long dust surface sequence has a fast motion and a seamless transition. That means, you have the option to make the VDB sequence as long as you want.  
The sequence is ready for the VDB Loops Addon!

Highly Recommended for

3D environment artists who create nature scenes with the aim goal of making animations with a large number of frames.
Thanks to the looping possibility it's no longer a problem.

  • VDB Loops Addon + the 256 frames-long loopable dust surface sequence

  • The 270 frames-long vdb dust sequence has a Fade-In and Fade-Out animation and has a large motion surface to fill the whole scene with dust. It moves from one side to other.

  • The 402 frames-long vdb dust sequence has a longer frame range and has a faster permanent motion.

  • The 256 frames-long vdb sequence has a permanent motion, is looped and can be animated in Blender endless. It moves from one side to other. The sequence is ready for the VDB Loops Addon!

  • You will get all VDB Dust sequences


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Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83
Misc Data Animated
License Royalty Free