Air Conditioner
Game ready low-poly Air Conditioner models with PBR textures for game engines/renderers.
This product is intended for game/real time/background use. This model is not intended for subdivision. Geometry is triangulated. Model unwrapped manually. All materials and objects named appropriately. Scaled to approximate real world size. Tested in Marmoset Toolbag 3(see renders). Tested in Unreal Engine 4. Tested in Unity Engine. No special plugins needed. .obj and .fbx versions exported from Blender 2.83.
Triangles: 952
Vertices: 738
4096x4096 textures in png format:
- General PBR Metallic/Roughness textures: BaseColor, Metallic, Roughness, Normal(DirectX), Normal(OpenGL), AO, Emission.
- Unity Textures: Albedo, MetallicSmoothness, Normal(OpenGL), AO, Emission.
- Unreal Engine 4 textures: BaseColor, OcclusionRoughnessMetallic, Normal(DirectX), Emission.
- PBR Specular/Glossiness textures: Diffuse, Specular, Glossiness, Normal(DirectX), Normal(OpenGL), AO, Emission.
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