Advanced Sculpting

by Antonis Karvelas in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 2 ratings by the community.

  • Ben Hale
    almost 6 years ago

    This addon has allot of great features. The brush Categories feature unfortunately seems to serve no purpose. What I mean by that is it should limit what is seen in the brush panel to the currently selected category. Its so close but without that change the brush category feature seems pointless.

    • antoni4040

      almost 6 years ago

      Maybe I misunderstand you, but that's what it's supposed to do. Perhaps you stumbled upon a bug I'm unaware of? In any case, feel free to contact me to further discuss your problem. I'm currently trying to make it work with Blender 2.8 (there are still bugs with that effort), but if there's something wrong with the Blender 2.79 version I'll be happy to fix it. Thanks for the review!

  • Julien Kaspar
    almost 7 years ago

    I've been sculpting with this addon for a few weeks now and I love the additions it brings to the UI. I can very much recommend it!
    Even though it still is a bit rough around the edges in some aspects I can at least see these problems be resolved in future updates.

    The best addition by far is the extra panel of brushes for quick selection. This makes brush selection faster & easier, ESPECIALLY once you start adding or creating custom brushes that make the amount of brushes more cluttered. The improved selection popup for brushes & textures is also very welcome and adds to the same improvement by making the icons bigger and the popup scale with the amount of brushes.
    The "small panel" on the corners is also very useful with the colored icons that indicate usage of certain settings and the ability to quickly change brush settings.
    The only problem I have with it is the brush selection on the small panel that covers almost the entirety of the window and can only be closed by clicking on the X in the corner. A standard popup for brush selection would work better in my opinion but this is more of a nitpick.

    The quick loading of textures through selecting texture folders also saves a lot of time and works very easily & with no extra confusion or long chains of steps to finally use the textures you want.

    The brush categories are the only feature of this addon that I feel is working sub-optimal.
    On paper it's an amazing addition but the way to sort the brushes is a bit too restricting and the categories flip back to "All" when you use a brush outside of a selected category.

    Also expect some bugs with the UI. It's easy & fast to destroy & reinitialize the UI after it breaks but it happens often enough to be a small annoyance.

    All in all: Very useful even with small drawbacks and especially since I've seen no other addon like this so far. A must have if you want to improve your sculpting experience in Blender!

    • antoni4040

      almost 7 years ago

      Thank you! You can certainly expect many improvements and additions in the future.

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Sales 100+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 7 years ago
Software Version 2.79
License GPL
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bfcm18 categories sculpting Brushes interface folder fall18 textures