Advanced Gold Shader V1.2
How To Use:
Node Settings:
- Gold Type: Controls the Gold Type from fine yellow to rosy red Gold [Color of the Gold]
- Roughness Type: Roughness of Gold (Darker, Rougher)
- Roughness Normal Strength: Roughness Bump Strength (No UV's Needed)
- Roughness Normal Size: Size of the Roughness Bump (Generated Size)
- Primary Roughness: Controls the Primary Roughness
- Secondary Roughness: Controls the Secondary Roughness
- Spec Hardness: Controls the Sharpness/Hardness of the Specularity ['Light' to 'Strong/Dark' Reflections]
- Oiliness Strength: Controls the Strength of the 'Oily/Greasy' Spots on the Gold
- Oiliness Size: Controls the Size of the Spots of 'Oil/Grease'
- Oiliness Seed: Controls the Seed of the Spots of 'Oil/Grease'
- Oiliness Spec Roughness: Controls the amount of interference the 'Oil/Grease' has on the Specuarity of the Gold
- Dirt Map: You can add a Dirt Map [White {Clear} to Black {Dirt}]
- AO Map: You can add a Ambient Occlusion Map [Adds more Detail]
- Dirty Vertex Threshold: Controls the 'Dirty Vertex Color' threshold/thickness
- Normal: You can add a custom Normal Map [bump map or height map]
- Normal Speedup: CGCookie's Normal Light path Disabling Technique
- Custom Color: Input your own custom color
- Custom Color Override: Replaces 'Gold Type' with you 'Custom Color'
How To Import Gold Advanced Shader into Your Scene:
- Extract the "Advanced Gold Shader" into you desired location.
- Open up you Scene in Blender
- Go to File, Append [a window will open]
- Go to the location you extracted the .zip file
- Open the .blend file, then Material
- Select 'Advanced Gold Shader' and hit Enter
- The Advanced Gold Shader is now in you Material Library
Have a Good Time BLENDING!
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