
by Alon Abrany in Addons

Hello everyone,

I created SetWizard to optimize workflows and increase efficiency.
This addon offers selection sets,camera switching, frame range adjustment, Python commands and much more .

SetWizard goes beyond basic selection set management and offer features like changing render output path, adjusting the frame ranges

and jumping between them, finding objects in the outliner by words or tags, Make objects Holdout even if the collection is not marked as Holdout . 

All these features are making it easier to manipulate sets and perform actions related to them. 

Basic Features:
Create and manage object selection sets with ease

Add or remove objects from sets

Disable selection in viewport

Disable visibility in viewport

Disable visibility in render

Make object Holdout

Change object color in viewport

Change shading mode

Show wireframe on selected objects

Show objects names

Advanced Features:

Add tags to sets for easy filtering in the outliner

Change frame range

Change file output

Change active camera

Streamlining Efficiency with Python & Drivers

General  Features:

Create new collection from objects sets.
fast outliner filter type 

SetWizard is fully customizable to fit your specific needs and preferences with it's intuitive user interface streamlines your workflow get more control over your objects and scene.

Created with Serpens addon with the grate help of Serpens Discord channel .


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL
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set object managment sets managment SetWizard quick ui selection sets