4 Decapod Animals: Shrimp, Hermit Crab, Crab, Lobster (Customizable)

by gonzou3d in Models

The collection of 4 popular decapod animals: 
- shrimp
- hermit crab
- crab
- lobster

This is a part of 100 animals base meshes product's newest update: https://blendermarket.com/products/100-animals-base-meshes

- clean topology (quads only)

- symmetrical with the origin point at the center of the grid floor (ready for mirroring)

- even quads distribution

- low polygon count (good for games and retopologizing after sculpting)

- scaled to animals' real size (using Blender's metric system)

- unwrapped with symmetrical uv islands

- created with shape keys system (which allows to adjust the body parts' proportions and positions)

- simple color materials applied to every model (Cycles and Blender Internal materials available)


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Sales 50+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 5 years ago
Software Version 2.7x, 2.77, 2.6x
License Royalty Free