3 Batons Pack Low Poly
Artssionate's 3 batons pack, ideal props for your characters to use during a police riot fight/crowd control/patrol.
Created for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other projects that require details and realism.
Each baton includes 2 LODs for versatility.
LOD0 triangles: 1464
LOD1 triangles: 296
Expandable Baton:
LOD0 triangles: 1600
LOD1 triangles: 304
Straight stick:
LOD0 triangles: 608
LOD1 triangles: 128
LOD 0 is subdividable
Total texture maps:
- 1 Albedo (filename_BC)
- 1 Normal (filename_N)
- 1 Metallic (filename_M)
- 1 Roughness (filename_R)
Images rendered in Unreal
For best efficiency, all 3 batons UVs are compiled in 1 map
Texture Resolution size:
Model formats:
- fbx
- obj
- Blender