2 Cylinder Vertical Steam Engine
Do you love steam engines? Do you find the Industrial Revolution fascinating? This is a two-cylinder vertical reciprocating steam engine that was employed mainly to power tugboats, launches and other marine craft in the mid to late 19th century.
This model is rigged and animated in the .blend file. Just rotate the flywheel on the Y axis and the camshaft, pistons, connecting rods and eccentrics all move together. Hide the non-moving parts in the collections pane to view how the steam channels and valves work in the steam chest.
The product comes as a .blend, .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae and .mtl files. There are also several metal procedural shaders in the .blend file including rust, gunmetal, chrome and gold.
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industrial revolution josephboquiren verticalsteamengine steamship steamengine engine Rigged 3d animation Inverse Kinematics victorian Steampunk 3danimation