100 Low Poly Kitchen Assets
All the hard work done for you!
No one wants to spend hours of their time creating all those small nitpicky details, that are needed to make a scene pop, but that aren't the real focal point. These details seem to be there just to make our lives harder, but, with the right resources, they don't have to be. The low poly style is one of the areas most affected by this problem. While models in this category are not technically difficult or hard to make, they can take up hours of valuable time which could be spent on the things that matter the most in your scene. This is why this asset pack was created, with over 100 low poly kitchen models, so that you don't have to waste your time.
Over 100 assets!
This pack contains 105 ready to use assets that are quick and easy to set up, even with limited knowledge of blender!
Plus 11 rigged assets
This pack includes 11 fully rigged objects for easy animations without the hassle of trying to rig things!
Uses only 5 materials!
in a lot of low poly scenes, every object has a different material for each different color. this can lead to hundreds of materials in one scene, making it hard to navigate and work efficiently. in this pack, only five materials are used, with one for each type of surface (glossy, metallic, etc.) and a texture to control the color.
This pack contains:
- 105 ready to use assets
- 11 rigged assets
- 5 materials
- 1 texture
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