This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.
jae wook yooon
12 months ago
I bought this few hours ago. it s really great!! but i want to take this textures to another program how do i export this?
over 5 years ago
The PNG files look great, and are all I need at the moment. There are so many! I've not tried the BLEND PBR generators, yet, because I don't need them yet. Thank you for the quick answer to my question. The quantity of unique PNG files is just incredible for the price.
Nathan Howard
almost 6 years ago
The amount of alphas you get for the price is unmatched! This is a life saver for my school projects, and I'll definitely be looking forward to what you make in the future.
Jeannot Landry
almost 6 years ago
Thank you :) I am glad you find them as useful as I do ;)
Displaying 3 ratings
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In this pack you get 100 various feather alpha with resolutions from 4k to 8k. Also included is my FeatherProceduralMaterialCreator.blend ready to generate all the feathers and colors you need. (.blend only works in 2.8). Also includes the medium and low pack!
In this pack you get 100 various feather alpha with resolutions from 2k to 4k. Also included is my FeatherProceduralMaterialCreator.blend ready to generate all the feathers and colors you need. (.blend only works in 2.8). Also includes the Low pack as well!
In this pack you get 100 various feather alpha with resolutions from 1k to 2k. Also included is my FeatherProceduralMaterialCreator.blend ready to generate all the feathers and colors you need. (.blend only works in 2.8)