Vox Importer

by CGOnFire in Addons

Fastest vox importer for Blender

The Vox Importer for Blender lets you import .vox files made with Magicavoxel (A free, lightweight 8-bit voxel editor). It is the fastest Magicavoxel importer, supports materials, and optimizes the mesh. For example, the monu3.vox that comes with Magica loads in 3 seconds. Once imported, you can use all Blender features and render your models. 

The vox importer resulted from months of collaboration with CryptoCities, who used the importer as an in-house tool to create NFTs. 

Supports Materials

The importer supports the materials that you created in Magicavoxel. Here I imported the monu3.vox, and materials are automatically converted to materials for Blender: 

Mesh Optimization

Unlike other importers, the Vox Importer does optimize the mesh. This means you now have one water-tight mesh instead of separate tiny voxels; vertices are merged with no interior faces. Such optimization is crucial if you want to use booleans, physics, and many other features of Blender. In other words, the mesh is optimized to use with Blender. Here is a look inside the model: 

You see that you can look inside the model. Instead of thousands of voxels, we now have a workable model in Blender. Moreover, it reduces resources like memory and CPU power. 

Video Demo

In case you missed the video-button here above, here is the video:


  • It is reported that occasionally objects are displaced for nested objects. This doesn't happen often, but when it happens, for now, you need to rotate or move the object to the proper place. 
  • Volumetric materials are not yet supported. But, of course, you can assign volumetric materials manually. 

For who is the Vox Importer?

Initially, we thought the Vox Importer would be useful for artists who use Magicavoxel and want to use Blender's features. There are many features that Blender offers above Magicavoxel, like:

  • Physics
  • Animation, like camera-animation
  • More render options. Use EEVEE for fast renders (3 seconds a frame) or Cycles.
  • Modeling (modifiers, boolean, geometry nodes)
  • Sculpting
  • Compositing
  • Video-editing

But not only Magicavoxel users will find it helpful. As a die-hard Blender user, it turned out that Magicavoxel is a welcome tool for Blender users as well, as you see in the video. So if you didn't see the video which explains it well, I suggest you take a look. 

How to contact us?

Here on the right, you see: Ask a Question. You can use this to ask a question before you want to purchase the product or if you have a support question. You can also reach us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Newmediasupply (That's me) and Iyad, who did the coding https://twitter.com/cgonfire.  Another option to contact us is on Discord: https://discord.gg/dhyXhjUypd where you can hang out with other artists. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question. 

Who are we?

I am Robert, founder of New Media Supply. You might know the website blender-addons and maybe one of my other products. And Iyad Ahmed is my colleague who is a master in coding. He loves everything about algorithms, patterns, computer science, and graphics. You can find some of his products here.  

Other Products

  • EEVEE Production Suite.  Produce as fast as possible with EEVEE.  Complete adjustable scene setups, materials, lighting, and rendering. 
  • Quixel Helper.  Quixel Megascan provides the best PBR materials in the world. This add-on fixes their integration into Blender. 
  • FX Nodes Enter another dimension when creating materials; "Change the paper, not the ink". 
  • More ....  Blocker, MOAS-GEN, and more.


This depends on the feedback, so please let us know how you experience the Vox Importer. Few examples:

  • Bake materials to textures (so you can use the models in a games engine). 
  • Import larger scenes (We talk about millions of voxels here. To make this work, we need to write the importer in C.
  • We can make a UI with essential functions to render out your model for those unfamiliar with Blender. You can also use the free spEEVEE addon for this. 

Sales 90+
Customer Ratings 4
Average Rating
Published over 2 years ago
Blender Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
License GPL
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