Snow Crystals Pack

by Besa_Art in Models

Snow Crystals Pack

This pack includes 15 snow crystal models (low poly & mid poly & 3D fake planes) for your next winter frosty scene.
You can use these models as decoration elements for interiors or as the little frosty pieces on exterior and nature models.
Every snow crystal from this pack has their own shape and together in a group they create realistic frost layers.

The Mid poly models of this pack are in quad meshes, retopologized, clean and unwrapped. Ready for use them in a close-up shot. The Low Poly models are deliberately kept small in polygons to be usable as a particle system.
The connected procedural shader of these models give them the necessary icy material to deliver realistic rendering results. Alphamasked textures for the 3D fake planes were also included in this pack. 

3D Models Included

Mid poly
Snow Crystal 01 Mid poly: 5,051 Polys
Snow Crystal 02 Mid poly: 4,914 Polys
Snow Crystal 03 Mid poly: 4,994 Polys
Snow Crystal 04 Mid poly: 4,595 Polys
Snow Crystal 05 Mid poly: 4,370 Polys

Low poly 
Snow Crystal 01 Low poly: 246 Polys
Snow Crystal 02 Low poly: 335 Polys
Snow Crystal 03 Low poly: 298 Polys
Snow Crystal 04 Low poly: 418 Polys
Snow Crystal 05 Low poly: 412 Polys

3D fake planes
Snow Crystal 01 Plane: 4 Polys
Snow Crystal 02 Plane: 4 Polys
Snow Crystal 03 Plane: 4 Polys
Snow Crystal 04 Plane: 4 Polys
Snow Crystal 05 Plane: 4 Polys


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Sales 10+
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Low-High-Resolution
License Royalty Free