This documentation aims to explain each function of the Renamer Addon.
Data Type
Choose whether you want to rename scenes, view layers or fileOutputNodes.
Input the text or regular expression you want to search for.
Input the text or regular expression to replace all matched items with.
Regular Expression
Choose whether you want to use regular expressions or not.
Ignore Case
If checked, ignores cases of characters.
Active Scene Only
If checked, only items in the active scene are getting renamed.
Selected Items Only
If checked, only selected items are getting renamed. Note that all selected layers across all scenes are getting renamed. If you only want to affect the selected item in the active scene you need to also check 'Active Scene Only'.
Exclude File Slots
If checked, excludes the file slots of fileOutputNodes and only the node base path is getting renamed.
Replace old names with new names.
Clears the text input fields.
List of Changes
Lists all changes that will be made by clicking the Rename button. You can exclude single items as you desire by clicking on the checkbox.
Show Scene
If checked, for each item in the list above a new row is added with the scene name of each item.
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name changer file output node rename management renamer peacock file management Scenes nodes view layer change name Compositing Render