Procedural Tree Bark Material
A realistic tree trunk material, completely procedural! Easily shade your forests and trees, fallen trunks, stumps, and more with this fully customizable shader. To use it, simply append the material to your scene and it will be available to use on your objects. You can use it straight out of the box on your tree models, and you can also customize many features to add variation to your trees.
Customizable features include:
- Vertical stretch.
- Two wood colors (higher and lower layer of wood).
- Two "moss" colors, as well as the amount of each moss. This moss effect can be used to mimic many effects other than moss, such as snow, splinters, etc.
- Wood darkness variation.
- Large, medium, and small bumps.
- Shape of cracks between bumps.
- Bump randomness and random seed.
- Amount of displacement.
- Wood wetness.
These features are described in-depth in de Documentation tab.
Note: The texture does not hold up realistically at super close up takes, it is intended for use on scenery (such as a forest or a tree in your scene) and not as much as a main element (a macro shot of the wood).
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