Nature Assets
This nature asset pack contains a small variations off assets that you would find in a common woods.
In this pack you have 4 different variations of trees: Birch and Maple tree. You have 3 different Birch tree styles and a Maple tree variation. Each tree has its own set of custom leaves. To save on performance the leaves have been hidden in the particle modifier. You have 2 modifiers. Smaller leaves and larger leaves. (named Maple leaf A, Maple leaf B, etc) Simply turn them on in the modifier stack to view full tree with leaves.
You have a wide range of grass and plants. Single grass strands and clumps of grass. Including "dead" looking grass. Along with the grass you have a selection of random weeds and plants and vines.
All included:
8 styles of dried/dead grass clumps
16 types of green grass
3 different styles of Nettles
3 different styles of Cellendine plants
3 differenty styles of Small generic plants
6 different styles of small Reeds
4 different types of large Reeds
Finally you have a style of Ivy leaves which can be attached easily enough using the Ivy generator.
I have labled and foldered everything to make it easy enough to use but any questions please do not hesitate to get contact for any trouble shooting issues.