Inverted Hull Line Art Modifier With Adjustable Line Thickness

by Zoukeau in Modifier Setups

This is an inverted hull line art modifer that I've refined over time. Just like the Grease Pencil line art it can be viewed in the editor and during playback. However, unlike the Grease Pencil line art, this line art modifier offers more control over the thickness of both the outlines and inner lines (referred to as "inlines" in the files).

One problem with the inverted hull method is that when the outlines are too thick (meaning the inverted hull grows too large) they start clipping through the original model. For this modifier I've created three methods to improve a model's outlines.

  • "Anti-Clipping": prevent vertices from entering the source model...
  • "Flattening": shrink down unnecessary outline vertices to remove more irregularities...
  • "Distance Compensation": grow or shrink the line art depending on how far away it is from the camera, per vertex.

As for the inner lines, this product comes with two methods to create them. The first is to create them from existing edges, the second is texture based with a filter. Both these methods stem from the idea that the thickness of the inner lines should be kept constant, irrespective of the angle they're being viewed from. This way, it is possible to create line art that better represents traditional drawing.

The "hand" example model is included in this product. Without subdivisions this model counts 947 vertices. A helpful manual is also included in the files.

Sales 20+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 9 months ago
Blender Version 3.5, 3.6
License Creative Commons
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