Eevee Production Suite

by New Media Supply in Surfacing

You can also check the EV Express and the Material Node Addon on Blender Market for specific details of the products. 

Below is what you find in the downloads: 

EV Express

  • (or  always the latest one). This is the EV Express addon. You can directly install it in Blender. So that is pretty easy (In Blender go to Edit > Preferences > Addons and browse to the .zip file you just downloaded. Press install and save preferences.) Everything will run smoothly, but if ever you struggle with installing other addons, check this article: How to install addons in Blender
  • A separate addon that provides compositing nodes.  Same as above: installs like any other addon. 
  • NEW: This addon gives you 16 presets for the compositor, like 16 looks. You can keep the NMS_compNodesV3 installed, it's up to you. It install as any other addon. Once installed, look in the N-Panel where you see big thumbnails or press shift+a where you see it in the menu.  Tip: Zoom a bit out when you add a preset, so it's easier to put them in the right place in the node editor. Here are the looks:

Material Nodes Addon

  • This is the Material Node Addon itself. Installs like any other addon. Check the notes under EVexpress. 
  • gives you all the materials we found in the 165_Material_Library. It appears in the N-Panel, in the tab called "NMS." If you have EV Express, you will find both together in the same tab. So that way, you can easily assign materials to the backdrop and your asset.  This is a newer version of the Material Presets addon, and now you don't need the 165_Materials_library anymore. Installs like any other addon, see above. 
  •  This is a Node Editor mini-course.  Section 5 contains full documentation of the building blocks.  Unzip this file to see the course.
  •  Material Nodes v5.pdf. Short documentation, a quick start. This is documentation of the previous version but explains the sockets and node groups. The difference is that you don't need the building blocks scene anymore, and instead of the 165 materials library, we use now the Material Presets addon. 
  • New per 31 July 2021: landscape_Example.blend. This is an example of a procedural textured landscape. It's not an essential part of the addon but is extra. The Blend file has a landscape with a procedural texture, and there is an explanation of how it is made. There is also a baked version of the material. You can use this as a template for your own landscapes. 
  • ( Old: You don't need this file anymore, because it's now already in the Material Presets Addon. This is a library of 165 materials. Each material has its own blend file and comes with a thumbnail. So you can use this directly in your favorite asset manager. )

A quick overview of all the features in the EEVEE Production Suite: 

And I also recorded a more than one and half hour live stream:

Reviews of the EEVEE Production Suite

A video by CG Essentials that explains the EEVEE Production Suite very well:

A shout-out to this relatively new channel mr3D. The deliver excellent work (concise, speedy and clear). I hope someone help those guy to gain more ground. I gave them my 7 hours course for free. This is a very good video showing the latest updates.

In case Hindi/Urdu is your first language, check out this review by HDsheet:

And a review by Markom3D who did an awesome video (latest updates not included):

And the man with a lot of influence in the Blender world askNK:

The August 6 update,  a video of more than an hour:

Choose a product version:

Sales 1000+
Customer Ratings 17
Average Rating
Published almost 4 years ago
Blender Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Render Engine Used cycles, eevee
License GPL
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