Classic Wooden Chair With Dust, Dirt And Scratches Control

by limiaspasdaniel in Models

Classic Wooden Chair



The .blend file contains the high poly Classic Wooden Chair 3D model as well as the studio setup ready for product visualization. There are two layers: • The first layer: Contains the whole chair parented to an Empty. This Empty will allow you to perform transformations to the chair like if it was one object. You will be able to rotate, scale and move the chair moving the Empty. • The second layer: Contains the studio setup. It consists on a white back plane. Furthermore, there is an HDRi attached to the environment lighting that emulates the interior lighting inside a house.

File structure

Inside the main folder called “ClassicWoodenChair” you will see:   Sin-título-1   Where “Documentation” references this document you are reading right now, the “Renders” folder contains a bunch of renders in high resolution, and finally the .blend file called “ClassicWoodenChair.blend” WARNING! Maybe you will notice that there is no “Textures” folder, and that is because they are packed into the .blend file. To unpack the textures, simply go to “File -> External Data -> Unpack All Into Files”. This will create a folder called “textures” containing all the textures used by the different shaders.

The model

Number of vertices without modifiers: 191913 Number of vertices with modifiers: 494,842 Number of faces without modifiers: 203390 Number of faces with modifiers: 503936 Number of objects that form the chair: 7 main parts and a bunch of trimmings (spheres)   Wireframe render: Wireframe Orthographic renders:   OrthoTop OrthoProfile  OrthoFrontalOrthoBack  

The shaders

There are three shaders: • The leather shader • The wood shader • The copper shader (This shader is made by CgAlpha but it has been modified by me to add dust control (http://1 under CC-BY license ( licenses/by/3.0/))

The leather shader

Four controllers are available: • The specular amount: allows you to control how much light will be reflected by the leather in a range from 0 to 1. • The specular roughness: allows you to control how the light is reflected by the leather. Values closer to 0 means the reflected light will not be distorted, and the contrary. • The bump strength: handles the strength of the leather wrinkles. • Dust amount: this handler allows you to control how much dust is accumulated on the top of the leather.   Sin-título-2

The leather shader represented as a custom node group

Some examples: LeatherCloseUpCleanLeatherCloseUpDirty

Leather with dust vs leather without it


The wood shader

Seven handlers are available: • Specular roughness: allows you to choose how the light is reflected by the wood. Values closer to 0 will make the light reflect more clear. However, values closer to 1 will make the light reflect more rough. • Specular amount: this handler lets you to control the amount of light reflected by the wood in a range from 0 to 1. • Wood bump: it lets you to set the amount of bump of the wood texture. The more bump the more rough the wood will look. • Scratches bump: it lets you to control the amount of bump that have the scratches in the wood shader. I consider 0.005 a good value due to the huge sensitivity the handler has. Higher values will result in an unrealistic looking. • Scratches color amount: the scratches, as seen before, can have a bump influence in the shader, but they can also have color influence. Imagine that the wood has a different color in the surface than the interior. This handler allows you to color the interior look of the wood, differentiating between the new wood that is present in the surface and the old wood that shows its color through the scratches. • Dust amount: it lets you to control the amount of dust present in the top of the object. • Dirt amount: it darkens the pointy faces of the object to make it look dirty. Values from 0.3 to 0.5 are good.  


 The wood shader represented as a custom node group


Aging the wood

This is a good example that shows how tweaking the scratches, dirt and dust handlers can be used to make the wood look old and dirty.  

The copper shader

As it has been reflected in page one, this shader is not made by me, however I modified it to add dust control. The dust control works like the rest of the shaders, in a range from 0 to 1. For more information and documentation of the shader, please visit the author’s post in blendswap.  

From new to old


Aging the whole chair

This is an example that shows how tweaking the dust, scratches and dirt handlers of all the shaders, results in an old and dirty chair.

PBR Fresnel

The wood and the leather material contain a Physically Based implementation of the Fresnel. The default implementation of Fresnel in Cycles is quite unreal, however much more realistic results can be achieved with the PBR Fresnel implementation I provide inside the shaders

Doubts, suggestions and complaints

Feel free to contact me through email: [email protected]

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and I will answer you as soon as possible.


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Published over 9 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free
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