Blender Quickbuttons 6.0 Python-Buttonbar (Use With Windows Only)
IMPORTANT: "Quickbuttons" has just been updated to Version 6.
Use the "Update.exe" that is in the Package to get the newest version. The new features include the new "Machine-Gun" (Bullet's) Rigid-Body Features (Layer 4).
Blender QuickButtons comes with an extensive >60 Pages PDF-Manual.
General Description of the current Button-Layers
if you also have favorite Blender-Actions which you would like to have an o Single Button Click.
And you if have the Python code for these. Then you can put these tasks (as Python Scripts) on a button and call them with just one Click!
If these are multiple sequencial tasks (for example "Save and Bake"), its even more interesting.
Then you click one time, and things happen like they should.
Using the Layers of the PRO-Version, you can sort several types of tasks in several "Button Layers". Below is a complete Functions-List for all (currently 6) Button-Layers.
1. Layer 1: Rigid-Body and „Selections“ (Select similar Size, Save/Restore Selections).
2. Layer 2: Object-Generation and Conversion, Image to Object
3. Layer 3: Move and Rotate Objects.
4. Layer 4: 4-Click Manta-Flow, Lock Camera to Viewport, Set Camera-Clipping, Prepare Video Settings, „Set RB-Mass (weight) using Random Values“.
5. Layer 5: Here is all that has to do with Keyframes. Set/Delete all Sort of Keyframes in Bulk, and also „Rigid-Body Bake to Keyframe“ and the 2-Step „Make Rigid-Body Bullet Scene“-Button.
6. Layer 6: Here we have all the Alignment Operations. Side-Align, Center-Align, Align Faces, as well as „Remember and Restore Object Location and Rotation“. Some sort of internal „Undo“.
7. Layer 7: This Layer is dedicated to Outliner Operations and Operations that do not fit anywhere else.
Below you will find a more detailled Description of the Buttons and below of the additional Programs/Tools that are in the Package.
The „Library“
Included is a Library Folder with a "" file which contains (more then 100 kb Python Code) the Code behind the Buttons and a lot of Code-Samples about doing a lot of things with (selected) Objects in Blender.
You can also put your own Library Routines into this file and then easily call them from the AddOn and from Blender.
The AddOn-library must be registered into Blender one time when Blender starts. Blender will remember the Library as long as its open.
This "Library-Register" is done with just a Single-Click on the "Add Library"-Button.
You need to do this always as the first Click to "get Blender and the AddON a Team".
The Library contains the following Functions in Python Code - ready to use:
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