A.O.S (Automatique Ouput Setup)
What is A.O.S?
A.O.S(Automatic Ouput Setup), is an addon that automates the setup of node trees for output in Blender:
Wich tool in A.O.S?
The first and main tool is the automatic generation according to several parameters like (the render engine, the type of file, and the output path)
and also it adds an underscore at the end of the file name to avoid problems related to the file name
Support of viewlayer
Multiple output, you can select the number of file output, and the path of each one
if you select png format and activate the passes you want in cycle passes or eevee passes according to render engine selected, A.O.S will generate and auto-connect the passes to autamatically named output according to the passes
Ban viewlayer if you don't want to output it,
(number of the ban corresponds to the position of the viewlayer in the list of ViewLayers)
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compositor node blender-compositor 3dblendered addon scripts nodesetups compositor nodesetup file output node A.O.S easy to setup easysetup passes output Automatic render-passes Setup Render